☆ Summer Lovin’ ☆

Hello Hunnybuns ♡ It’s been a while, I know! The end of summer has been unexpectedly busy, but I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you! 

Honestly, my primary focus has been my doula client for the last few months. Getting to help with their birth was such a remarkable experience, but I did really miss soapcrafting + performing! I needed a few weeks of rest + selfcare after the labor; most of which has been spent trying to absorb as much of summer as I can before it leaves us soon. 

Movement has always been instrumental in recalibrating my nervous system, especially after an event as monumental as birth! When I’m “on-call” I need to be ready to go at a moment’s notice, so I’d avoided rollerskating so as not to wear out my body too much beforehand. Immediately after the birth, I was far too sore to do much, but the first chance I got I skated until my legs turned to jelly, and I’m still really itching to get my fill before the weather turns for the year! Whether it’s been rollerskating, hooping, biking, or stimming, I always seem to be moving these days. It’s actually been a good reminder that I need to find new ways to incorporate rest into my self-care routines! 

I also tend to find myself craving time away from the city (as we all do, I’m sure). We’ve been spending this season visiting Nicole at Dreamland every opportunity we get. Whether it’s the full moon + ritual natural dyeing events or the weekly weeding potlucks (only one of which, we’ve made it to), I find that I feel much less overwhelmed + overstimulated when I’m out there. I’m feeling so much gratitude for the opportunities to learn from Nicole, Jess, + the land during our time there. We’ve met SO many new, like-minded souls that I’m really looking forward to collaborating with in the future!

Speaking of things to look forward to; I’ll be updating the shop once more this summer! If you haven’t voted for your favorite Freezy Pop Bar Soap on my IG, feel free to comment on that post until 8/20. Whichever soap wins will be re-released (in limited quantity) during the shop update at the end of August, alongside three plant + mineral-based jelly body glitters ♡

If you’d like to come out + see us in person, you’ll have 3 separate opportunities to do so over the next month or so! If you spot me at the WNY Herbal Conference on August 28th, please take a moment to say hello (though I may be completely consumed by notetaking)! I’m in complete awe over the amount of information they’re managing to pack into one day! 

We’ll be vending Olive's (@cherryfunkd) Art + Yard Sale again on August 29th from 12-6 with a bunch of other rad local artists! DirtyWifi is spinning again, so come out + hang, dance, + support your friendly neighborhood creatives! 

Lastly, we’ll be vending at Grace of Ganja’s next Paint + Puff Night, hosted by Galaxy Glass on September 17th! I attended the last one just for fun, + I had such a lovely time that I really wanted to contribute to the next one (which I’m especially looking forward to because it’s THEMED + dressing up is encouraged)! The courtyard space at Galaxy Glass is so serene, + Bri did a wonderful job of guiding us through everything. Whether you’re coming to paint, or just looking to support local vendors + smoke, I highly suggest it for a night out (sorry, I couldn’t resist).

I’ll be sharing more about each event in the upcoming weeks, so be sure to check my IG stories + highlights (fadedandfrustrated or amethystbumblebeesoaps) for event flyers + information (as well as the calendar on fadedandfrustrated.com). I hope we’ll get to spend some of these last summer days together! 

Be well, my loves! 

Until next time, 

✴ FF ✴


《I Have No Following + I Must Share》